Cracking a Viber account How to hack Viber for free
Until recently, as someone who respects other people's boundaries, I was not interested in all sorts of account-hacking applications. But it turned out that such software is suitable not only for monitoring other people's private lives, but also for gaining access to one's own accounts.

Being in another country, I lost my phone with my main SIM card, to which almost all the accounts were tied. It was impossible to quickly restore the card and gain access to the accounts. So I had to look for alternative ways to solve the problem.
Important messages were mostly in Viber, and that was the first one I decided to hack. I did not plan to use paid software, as I was sure that I could get the necessary access for free. Below I will tell in detail how I searched for the right software and what conclusions I made for myself.
How to start a free Viber hack
Naturally, I started the search for the right program on Google. The search engine produced dozens of sites with similar software, and according to the claims of the developers each of the applications found could solve my problem. But, firstly, I was only interested in free applications, and secondly, I am not used to taking the word of strangers. So I had to test everything myself.
The first program I learned about from Google was VADR. But I could only find its description. No links to it, no screenshots of the interface, no overview of the algorithms, nothing to help me in solving the problem. Maybe on the hacker forums there is more information about this software, but I could not find more details.
The next program in the top of Google results was Vibercrack. Judging by the reviews, the software is effective, but has a rather non-standard algorithm of work. The application must first be installed on your phone, then start communicating with the user (whom you want to hack). The key stage is the interlocutor's responses to your messages. As far as I could understand, the answers received allow the program to decrypt the channel and get access to the user's data. But whether this is true, I could not verify.
For obvious reasons, I could not reply to emails from my account, and the software, in turn, could not access my data. For me, this method turned out to be unsuitable. But if you need to hack someone's Viber for free, you can use the application and check its functionality yourself.

In my search for the right application, I had completely forgotten about such a useful feature of Viber, as creating backups. When registering, the messenger prompts me to enter an email address, to which, if necessary, it can send a complete archive of correspondence. Unfortunately, I did not link the email address to the old account, which did not allow me to recover the lost correspondence and quickly resolve the problem.
If you do not have mail linked to your account, I recommend that you add an email address to messenger as early as possible. You can do this in the settings, under "Account", "Backup". Also here you should specify the regularity of creating copies (I recommend daily). Now you can register a Viber account to any SIM, add the same email address in the storage settings and restore the backup. After that you will have all your past correspondence in your new account.
Backup email linked to your account will allow you to read your correspondence in Viber for free, even if your phone is lost or your SIM card is out of order.

Hacking services for hacking Viber
This is a rather controversial aspect. I never found out if it is possible to hack Viber with their help and how to do it for free. But the huge number of ads about the services of hackers prompted me to turn to them for help. Expensive options I did not even consider. But wrote to several people offering to hack the right account for a token $10-20.
- Two of them suggested software that should be installed on the victim's smartphone. And this despite the fact that I immediately voiced my problem. Apparently, the bot sends standard responses to user messages, and the administrators get money from users who decide to download their software.
- Another hacker demanded money first, and then promised to send me an archive of correspondence, and only if he succeeded in hacking my account. As for me, this is a rather dubious scheme, which in addition does not provide any guarantees from the performer.
- One hacker promised to try to get access to my account. And if he succeeds, he will send me a link to the archive, and I will remit him the amount announced. But it's been 4 days, and the man is still silent. This does not upset me much, especially since I have already found a working and free way to hack Viber for myself.

How to read correspondence in Viber for free
Among the links to sites with lists of programs, articles in blogs and posts on forums, search engine results repeatedly came across resources where you can hack the desired account online. That is, it is not necessary to install anything. You only need to enter a phone number, pay for the software and get the result. But the goal is to read correspondence in Viber for free, and, therefore, the use of paid software does not meet my requirements.
But on one site with paid software was an interesting offer. Namely, an affiliate program from VbTracker According to the terms of the program I need to bring people who will pay for the program. In return I would get bonus points to my account which I could spend on the application. I figured that with these conditions I would not lose anything. In addition, I will find out in advance about the performance of the software.
During my search for a hacking app for Viber, I repeatedly came across comments in which users asked about workable and effective programs. In response to these messages I decided to leave my affiliate link.
Within 30-40 minutes I was pleasantly surprised by the number of messages under my comments. There was everything from a terse "Thank you" to "You saved me! This is the best program I've ever seen!".
It took me about four hours to get the amount I needed in my bonus account. And in another 15 minutes I already had access to all my correspondence.

What conclusions I drew for myself
The search for the right program took about 1 working day. On the whole, it is not too much, but I would hardly do this kind of software analysis again. Moreover, I wouldn't even tell you about dozens of ways that do not work in this article.
In the description of many programs, you can find statements that they are remote hacking software. And once installed, such applications start demanding access to the device with the target account. That's why I've concluded that remote hacking is only a function of online applications.
In addition, I made sure that any workable software is sold only for money. Or as VbTracker provides Free Viber hack in exchange for help in promoting the app.
If I still find myself in a similar situation, I will immediately look for programs that work online and provide bonuses for partners. But specifically for Viber I will use only VbTracker.